Hotel service for your guests


With upselling, your hotel guests can conveniently and easily book breakfast, for example, during the check-in process. Thanks to this first-class digital service, your guests benefit from additional offers and a seamless experience, while you increase your revenue per guest at the same time.

Join 3,000+ amazing hotels that use straiv to optimize their digital guest journey.


Increase revenue per guest and offer an additional service

Increase in turnover

Sales per guest can be increased through targeted upselling offers (such as breakfast).

Relief for staff

Guests appreciate the convenience and comfort of personalized offers and recommendations, which leads to better overall satisfaction.

Relief for staff

Guests appreciate the convenience and comfort of personalized offers and recommendations, which leads to better overall satisfaction.

24/7 availability

Guests can access the offers at any time and are not bound by reception hours.

Interface to PMS

Available with the following property management systems: Protel on air, apaleo, MEWS, ibelsa


Available with the following property management systems

Let's get started

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I hereby confirm that I agree with the processing of my personal data collected for inquiry according to straiv privacy policy. For more information, please see our privacy policy.

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More than 3,000 hotels and hotel groups in 29 countries already rely on straiv solutions.

Success Stories

Successful testimonials with our Digital Check-in

More than 3,000 hotels and hotel groups in 29 countries already rely on straiv solutions.

straiv Blog

More info about Online Check-in at the hotel