Why are interfaces so important for a modern hotel operation?

A good software landscape with functioning interfaces is the most important thing for modern, digital hotel operations. Only if the systems communicate well with each other processes can be automated – without any manual intervention.

Counteracting the shortage of manpower with well-designed interfaces

Well-functioning interfaces between the systems used in a hotel facility can create an enormous relief in the hotel’s daily routine and thus cushion the currently biggest challenge – staff shortage.

It is worth drawing an ideal picture of the perfect tech stack and being aware of which work steps currently generate the most effort while offering few additional benefits for guests.

Hotel guests can perform many of the administrative tasks that were previously handled by hotel staff largely on their own. This means that booking, payment, check-in, door opening, invoice dispatch, etc. are all done without any intervention from employees.

Which interfaces are needed to enable automation?

Booking Engine / Channel Manager & Property Management Software (PMS)

To ensure that all the information guests provide when booking a hotel is not lost and that a booking made on the website or other booking platforms is posted in the property management system or hotel software without manual intervention, an interface between the two systems makes sense.

Guest Journey Software (check-in, check-out, digital registration form, digital guest directory, messaging) & Property Management Software

A Guest Journey software allows you to provide your guests with all the information about the reservation. With the Guest Journey software, your guests can be accompanied digitally directly after booking. Guests receive an automated confirmation with all important information directly after booking and can then view the reservation with one click via web app as well as already enter all information for the digital registration form independently. Check-in is also done via the Guest Journey software. Therefore, no intervention from hotel staff is required for any of the steps, and the entire hotel visit can be managed independently by the guests via their own smartphone.

An interface between your PMS and the Guest Journey software also allows your guests to do all the functions that were previously done at the front desk with the assistance of hotel staff, now digitally on their own smartphone. This includes all administrative activities that take up a lot of time and add minimal value for employees and guests. For example, filling out the registration form, authenticating the ID card or passport, booking services and additional services, check-out or sending invoices. Of course, there is no substitute for personal greeting and care. Personal contact is to be strengthened with the help of digital solutions, as more time is left for personal conversation.

Payment & Locking System & Guest Journey Software

An interface between the Guest Journey software, the locking system you have in place, and the payment system makes it possible to digitize even more processes. In this way, hotel guests can make payments before check-in, for example. This also works via the web app of the Guest Journey software. The interface makes it possible for the payment to be posted accordingly and immediately – without manual intervention by hotel staff. In addition, the Guest Journey Software web app can be used to digitize and automate the issuance of room cards. Room cards can either be viewed by guests in the Guest Journey software web app and hotel doors can be opened via slide – Or guests can independently code room cards at a self-service check-in kiosk by simply providing the booking number, logging in and then completing check-in.

Do you have questions about the topic? Contact us, we will be happy to advise you.